t: 0477 883 350

Copyright © 2006-2024 Chuan Khoo
Built with Indexhibit


Bluestone, sonic transducers, LED lighting, custom electronics, code

Jordan Lacey, Charles Anderson, Ross McLeod, Chuan Khoo


Touchstone is an interactive public art sculpture located at the Selandra Rise Community Hub, located in the City of Casey. The stone sculpture responds to the touches of the community through sonic and haptic feedback, builds a memory of these touches over a lunar cycle, and reciprocates its relationship to the people in the local community through ethnographic recordings of daily life, broadcast during dawn and dusk.

I was part of the team involved in the conceptualisation and interaction design of the work. I also developed custom software (named 'srpa' for Selandra Rise Public Art) for the interactive system, and built the electronic sensing circuitry and supporting infrastructure.

Please refer to the details of the project in our published paper:

2018: Conference Publication

Lacey, J. McLeod, R. Anderson, C. and Khoo, C. 2018, 'Touchstone: a discussion of a digitally integrated artwork designed to facilitate community engagement', in Proceedings of the 2017 Responsive Cities/Active Public Space Symposium, Areti Markoupoulou, Chiara Farinea, Mathilde Marengo (ed.), Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 33-40

Other: Original Creative Work (Design/Architectural work)

Lacey, J. McLeod, R. Anderson, C. and Khoo, C. 2017, 'Touchstone', Touchstone, City of Casey, Clyde North, Australia


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