t: 0477 883 350

Copyright © 2006-2024 Chuan Khoo
Built with Indexhibit

Finding Byaduk

Custom electronics, wood, brass, 3D printed plastic, found objects from Byaduk


The Finding Byaduk creative residency is an experimental project, aimed at exploring speculations around the phenomenology of digital data representations of a landscape, and the design of interfaces and embodied expressions. Part of this process also adapts ethnographic methodologies in articulating and capturing visual descriptions of the site. The creative brief is developed as a thought experiment with ‘affective telepresence’ – finding means to remotely convey the qualities of a place using environmental sensors and exploring poetic roles that digital connected technologies might play through the design of embodied expressions and/or interactions. The final unpacking of an exemplar artefact serves to document the phenomenological nuances and development journey of this project, and in so doing, contribute discourse towards speculative design practices and interrelated methodologies in creative practice.

2018: Conference Publication

Khoo, Chuan. “Finding Byaduk: Thinking Objects as Prototypes of Affective Telepresence With Digital Data.” Annual Design Research Conference (ADR18) (2018): 373–88.

2018 Exhibition: ADR18

Khoo, Chuan. “Finding Byaduk: Thinking Objects as Prototypes of Affective Telepresence With Digital Data.” Annual Design Research Conference (ADR18) (2018): 39–41.