t: 0477 883 350

Copyright © 2006-2024 Chuan Khoo
Built with Indexhibit

Chuan Khoo is an interdisciplinary digital media artist, interaction designer and educator. His current research interest revolves around the notion of slow data – the creation of alternative interfaces that engender critical reflection around our usage of digital data. Chuan explores the consequences of computing and interrogates the twin edges of technology – its optimism, the darker side of its velocity, and the ethereal nature of our digital entanglements.

A maker at heart, Chuan develops electronic contraptions and machine intelligence to create speculations in logic and computing. Using a combination of traditional, digital media, and bespoke or hacked electronics, his work ranges from objects and installations that embody and critique technological utopias, eliciting a disarmingly calm aesthetic that veils the technological underbelly driving them. His work has been exhibited in Australia, Singapore and the United States.

As an educator, Chuan has extensive teaching experience in the areas of Interaction and Experience Design, along with Tangible Embodied Interaction and Physical Computing, espousing his core philosophy of developing balanced designers with sound critical thinking, good practical design and a technologically curious mindset. A lecturer at Monash University’s Art, Design & Architecture, Chuan previously taught at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology and headed the Diploma in Interaction Design programme at the School of Interactive & Digital Media, Nanyang Polytechnic, Singapore. He has also previously taught studios at the Rhode Island School of Design, and the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts.

With over a decade of design and development experience in the creative media industry, Chuan also delivers digital media design/development services and consultation across interactive media and experiential installation. Chuan is based in Melbourne, Australia. He graduated with an MFA from the Rhode Island School of Design and holds a PhD from RMIT University's School of Design.